Menstrual health in East Asia and the Pacific regional progress review: Myanmar
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Myanmar.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Myanmar.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Mongolia.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Lao PDR.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Kiribati.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Indonesia.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Micronesia.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Fiji. In addition, it aims to collate lessons learned and stakeholders’ insights on barriers and enablers to effective action including high-quality monitoring and evaluation.
This country profile has the objective to document the state of policy and programming to support menstrual health in Cambodia.
Menstrual health and hygiene is essential to gender equality and the well-being of women and girls. Yet across the East Asia and Pacific region, many women and girls struggle to receive sufficient information and services to support menstrual health.
UNFPA/LACRO se propuso documentar algunas experiencias dentro de la región en materia de Educación Integral de la Sexualidad implementadas fuera del ámbito escolar - que presentadas a manera de buenas prácticas - cumplieran con el propósito fundamental de impulsar el desarrollo de este campo.