Keep the promise. A teaching resource on advocacy and HIV and AIDS
Ce livret pédagogique est destiné à des jeunes de 11 à 16 ans, mais il peut être adapté pour des plus jeunes ou pour des adultes.
Ce livret pédagogique est destiné à des jeunes de 11 à 16 ans, mais il peut être adapté pour des plus jeunes ou pour des adultes.
This document was published by the Child-to-Child Trust in 2005. This book advocates and aims to strengthen the provision of good quality health education for all children.
Working through non-traditional providers, PRIME II built on a successful STI/HIV prevention project in the Philippines to improve contraceptive use among youth engaging in high-risk behaviours.
Passion for Rights.
This publication is prepared by Aidcom with the assistance from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) under the Regional Project on Advocacy for HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Young People in Asia and the Pacific.
Promoting abstinence is an important strategy that can help delay sexual activity, but complementary messages are needed for those who are sexually active.
The fact sheet first explains why good reproductive health for young people is important and then presents a situation of the reproductive lives of young people today.
In the decade ahead, HIV/AIDS is expected to kill ten times more people than conflict. In conflict situations, children and young people are most at risk from both HIV/AIDS infection and violence.
This booklet describes fourteen countries' response to address the problems faced by adolescents by showing the various programmes and activities that the countries are carrying out.
This booklet describes the adolescent population of the seven countries in terms of their demographic profile such as their population size, age of marriage, educational attainment, employment, and health, among others.