Teenage pregnancy prevention framework: supporting young people to prevent unplanned pregnancy and develop healthy relationships
The international evidence is clear.
The international evidence is clear.
The primary aim of the project was to develop guidance on best practice for an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum. We wanted our guidance to be rooted in the experience of students and colleagues, as well as being informed by theoretical developments in pedagogy.
In 2016 Stonewall commissioned the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge to conduct a survey with young people who are lesbian, gay, bi or trans (or think they might be) on their experiences in secondary schools and colleges across Britain.
In 2016 Stonewall commissioned the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge to conduct a survey with young people who are lesbian, gay, bi or trans (LGBT), or who think they might be, on their experiences in secondary schools and colleges across Britain.
In 2016 Stonewall commissioned the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge to conduct a survey with young people who are lesbian, gay, bi or trans (or think they might be) on their experiences in secondary schools and colleges across Britain.
The advice sets out what sexual violence and sexual harassment is, how to minimise the risk of it occurring and what to do when it does occur, or is alleged to have occurred. The advice highlights best practice and cross-references other advice, statutory guidance and the legal framework.
This report outlines the key findings and recommendations of the Sex and Relationships Education Expert Panel. This panel was established by the Cabinet Secretary for Education to help inform the development of the future Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) curriculum in Wales.
The report supports the recommendations of the Sex and Relationships Education Expert Panel which was presented to the Cabinet Secretary for Education on 13 December 2017.
There is now consensus among Scotland's third sector children's rights, women's rights and young people's and equality organisations that RSHP lessons urgently need to be improved.
This report analyses over 2000 primary and secondary school inspection reports for 2015/16.