HIV/AIDS/STDs education for prevention
The contents of this book are drawn from contributions to the Global Conference on School Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention.
The contents of this book are drawn from contributions to the Global Conference on School Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention.
This report of the UNESCO Regional Seminar on HIV/AIDS and Education within the School System for English-speaking Countries in Eastern and Southern Africa is intended for planners and policy-makers in Ministries of Education and Ministries of Health as well as representatives of NGOs.
This report describes the UNESCO regional seminar on HIV/AIDS and education within the school system for English-speaking countries in Eastern and Southern Africa held in February 1995.
This report of the UNESCO Asian Regional Planning Seminar on AIDS and Education within the School System is intended for policy-makers in Ministries of Education and Ministries of Health as well as representatives of NGOs in the Southern African Region.
This document is a synthesis report on a workshop on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education that was held at the IIEP in December 1993.
Ce rapport est le résultat du sixième séminaire consultatif régional de l'UNESCO/PROAP sur l'éducation des populations qui s'est tenu à Bangkok, Thaïland.
Documento que explica de manera brave y simple cómo elaborar una campaña de prevención de VIH/SIDA.
This document is a report of a two days conference on student leadership in a time of AIDS. The debates focused on youth taking leadership and embracing the opportunities to address HIV and AIDS.
This paper examines the relationship between education and HIV/AIDS with special reference to South Asia. The paper offers an overview of major regional trends in HIV/AIDS. It looks more closely at the links between education and HIV/AIDS as well as lessons learned.
This Toolkit shares information, tools, activities, and skills building ideas and methods to support organisations and individuals to better understand the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) in HIV and gender-based violence work in their communities.