Making it work: linking youth reproductive health and livelihood
The report presents the result of an analysis of linked programmes.
The report presents the result of an analysis of linked programmes.
The objectives of the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling or LQAS survey were to: assess changes in married women's KAP related to birth spacing, STDs, HIV/AIDS and other reproductive health issues within the Community-based Distribution (CBD) project area; obtain information about individual su
Document outlines strategies to beginto tackle HIV/AIDS. Programmes and interventions are explored in the education, public and private sectors.
The paper discusses the nature of operational policies, stresses the important role they play in the continum form national laws to local services, and provides a framework for reform.
The crucial distinction between power and force in relation to aggressive masculinity needs to be analysed and understood if preventative intervention is to be successful in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
The SADC Regional Strategic Framework affirms a three pronged approach to combating the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the Southern Africa Region: It will be possible to move forward nationally and regionally if there is - in each country, and within SADC itself- a foundation for action which includes the
This is a paper articulating HIV and Education and attempts to set out particular significant issues for education practitioners and researchers.
This report on the baseline data from three countries (Mexico, Thailand and South Africa) provides information on the HIV-prevention needs of school-based youth.
In response to the long-term strategies proposed by the Inter-Agency Working Group, this paper lists short-term initiatives that can be done by agencies and countries working together.
The role gender relations play in the spread of the virus has gained increasing recognition. For example, women worldwide are less likely than men to be able to control whether, when and how sex takes place.