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Pendidikan pencegahan HIV: kit informasi guru
Kit Informasi Guru ini berisi kumpulan lembar fakta yang meliputi sekelompok masalah yang penting dipahami oleh guru tatkala mereka mendidik murid mereka baik di tingkat pendidikan dasar maupun pendidikan menengah.
Higher education science and curricular reforms: African universities responding to HIV and AIDS through faculties of science and engineering. Report on country training activities in Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya, December 2006 - May 2007
The project on Higher Education Science and Curriculum Reform: African Universities Responding to HIV and AIDS was jointly organized by UNESCO's Regional Bureau for Science and Technology in Africa and African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE), Nairobi, Kenya.
HIV Counselling Trainer's Manual for the Asia-Pacific
This trainer's manual was developed to facilitate the delivery of high-quality HIV counselling training courses.
Education sector engagement with the AIDS and aid funding architecture at country level. Symposium : UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team on Education, 17 November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland. Symposium report
While the benefits of formal education on HIV are well understood, funding of education sector activities for HIV is frequently fraught with challenges. These challenges are likely to increase due to the current global financial crisis.
Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into the university curricular: overall evaluation report for universities in Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya
In 2006 and 2007, UNESCO and AWSE jointly organised a training of trainers workshop for universities in Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya.
Expanding the evidence base and research on HIV and education. UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education research meeting, Paris 23 and 24 September 2008
The central objectives of the meeting were: to take stock of the evidence on HIV and education to date, identifying strengths and weaknesses, challenges and lessons learned, contributions to the evidence base and to programmatic and policy actions at the country level; to identify gaps in the res
Descripción de los conocimientos, actitudes, susceptibilidad y autoeficacia frente al VIH/SIDA en un grupo de adolescentes colombianos
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo describir y comparar los conocimientos correctos,las ideas erróneas, las actitudes, la susceptibilidad y autoeficacia frente al VIH/SIDA en un grupo de adolescentes colombianos.
Livelihoods and HIV risk for adolescent girls: design of a programming framework
This document summarizes the process that resulted in the design and validation of two resources: Livelihood Options for Girls: A Guide for Program Managers and Identifying Appropriate Livelihood Options for Adolescent Girls: A Program Design Tool, developed by Health Policy Initiative, Task Orde