Rapid appraisal students partnership worldwide/Zambia
Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW) Zambia recently began the third year of its School HIV/AIDS Education Program (SHEP) in conjunction with Zambia's Ministry of Education (MOE).
Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW) Zambia recently began the third year of its School HIV/AIDS Education Program (SHEP) in conjunction with Zambia's Ministry of Education (MOE).
This document is a final workshop report of the Regional Training Workshop on situation analysis for comprehensive school health education programmes in the Arab states that took place at the American University of Beirut in June 2006.
This document is a report published in 2006 by the Regional Office for Education in the Arab States, Beirut, and the American University of Beirut.
In Ethiopia Save the Children Sweden (SCS) works to promote children's rights through advocacy, direct support, capacity building, research and awareness raising. In line with this, it has been supporting six local partner organisations whose implementation area is in Addis Ababa.
The CHANGES2 program is funded by USAID/ZAMBIA through an EQUIP1 Associate award. It is implemented by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the Zambia Ministry of Education.
Sex and HIV education programs that are based on a written curriculum and that are implemented among groups of youth in schools, clinics, or other community settings are a promising type of intervention to reduce adolescent sexual risk behaviors.
Descripción de las actividades de la ONG Profamilia en Colombia, cuyo objetivo fue la promoción de atención en salud sexual a hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres.
Este informe aborda los temas socioculturales que se han quedado en el tintero y que afectanálas vidas de hombres gay y HSH. La discusión durante la consulta principalmente se desarrolló en torno a tres temas: 1) Sexualidad e intimidad, 2) Masculinidad y riesgo, y 3) Homofobia y violencia.
Este documento presenta el desarrollo y los resultados obtenidos mediante una estrategia integral orientada a la promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva y la prevención del VIH/Sida y otras ITS en mujeres en edad fértil (25-49 años) y sus parejas, adolescentes y jóvenes de ambos sexos (14-24
From 2002-2005 Africare implemented the Community Based Care, Protection and Empowerment (COPE) for Children Affected by AIDS (CABA) project in Mutasa District of Zimbabwe.