Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação
This manual contains basic information about HIV/AIDS and different ways in which the faith community can respond including teaching, counseling, IEC, and advocacy.
Este documento foi redigido pela Geração BIZ que é um Programa Multisectorial que reúne os Ministérios da Saúde, Educação e Juventude e Desporto na promoçâo da Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva e Prevenção de DTS/SIDA entre adolescentes e jovens.
This document reproduces sample lessons on health and family life education from Ministries of Education in the Caribbean.
This curriculum was developed to provide staff of NGOs and the community at large a deeper understanding of the dynamics and effects of the disease, and to sensitize them to the current issues and challenges that PLWHA face.
Elaborado pelo Instituto Nacional para o Desenvolvimento da Educação, o presente Manual oferece marcos norteadores na abordagem das temáticas da sexualidade e saúde direcionada a jovens e adolescentes.
Fulaas is one of our community based distributors. He’s also a volunteer. This film follows him as he dispenses family planning advice and contraceptives to villagers in Oromo, Ethiopia. Without Fulaas, and others like him, there would be very little access to contraception in rural Ethiopia.