HIV/AIDS and education: a sourcebook of HIV/AIDS prevention programmes
This Sourcebook aims to support efforts by countries to strengthen the role of the education sector in the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
This Sourcebook aims to support efforts by countries to strengthen the role of the education sector in the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
The present document is divided into the following sections: In chapter 2, responses in the form of general policies and HIV are discussed with the intention to define some criteria for assessing and characterising such instruments.
Namibia has been independent for more than ten years, and the nature of the struggle facing our country has changed. The fight is no longer for freedom from political domination, but against HIV/AIDS.HIV/AIDS is a continuing, critical public health issue.
This publication highlights a pilot project of UNESCO that seek to empower marginalized adolescent girls in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan through a broad-based capacity building programme.
The first AIDS case in Botswana was reported in 1985. By the year 2000 the country was experiencing one of the severest HIV/AIDS epidemic on the continent. The governments' initial response was to start a National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) and a short Term Plan.
Malawi, like its neighbours in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, has been severely affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Since the first case of HIV/AIDS was identified in May, 1985 epidemiological data has continued to show a rapidly escalating epidemic.
This policy document provides an overview of Kenya's HIV and AIDS situation, the policies put in place by the Kenyan Government to contain the disease and Highridge's response to the epidemic.
This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 cases studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa.
This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 cases studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa.
This Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development Policy (ARH&D) responds to concerns about adolescents raised in the National Population Policy for Sustainable Development (NPPSD), the National Reproductive Health Strategy, the Children's Act (2001), and other national and International de