Re-entry of pregnant girls and teenage mothers to school: a critical policy and strategy brief
The Pre-Tertiary Education Act of 2020 guarantees the right to free compulsory universal basic education for every Ghanaian child.
The Pre-Tertiary Education Act of 2020 guarantees the right to free compulsory universal basic education for every Ghanaian child.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the recent Omicron variant wave have dramatically impacted societies in all sectors and at all levels.
Family Life Education in Samoa is rights based, gender inclusive and life skills based and considers all components that contribute to strengthening families through an educational and preventative approach.
The overarching purpose of this document is to institutionalize CSE in schools through strategic and collaborative approaches amongst organizations and agencies.
The Operational Guidelines are structured following a clear logic: The present section 1 explains the background for the Guidelines, to ensure that all users have the same understanding on the purpose of school feeding in Rwanda, and the intended way to achieve it.
To improve the condition of adolescents in Tanzania, several gaps in health and wellbeing programmes need to be addressed immediately or in the near term.
La Estrategia de la Alimentación Escolar Saludable y Sostenible es una respuesta articulada e integral que tiene como propósito procurar el acceso a alimentos frescos y nutritivos para los estudiantes, la familia y la comunidad; impulsando
As part of its effort to advocate for girls’ education and girls’ rights, HakiElimu conducted a study in 2021 to assess Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights education in primary and secondary schools in Tanzania mainland.
Positive aspects of sexuality remain understudied among young people globally, and consensus is lacking on how to conceptualise different aspects of healthy adolescent sexuality development in order to guide programmes, research, and policy.
This document sets out in the Department of Basic Education’s Policy on the Prevention and Management of Learner Pregnancy in Schools, its goals, guiding principles and themes to reduce and manage the incidence of learner pregnancy and its adverse impact on the affected learners and, more broadly