FRESH Tools for Effective School Health
This document is intended to help individuals advocate for and implement HIV/AIDS/STI prevention through schools.
This document is intended to help individuals advocate for and implement HIV/AIDS/STI prevention through schools.
This article focuses on the relationship between HIV/AIDS and education in countries with different levels of HIV/AIDS prevalence. It concentrates on the sector’s response to school issues, with some attention to teacher training colleges.
This history syllabus is designed for junior schools in Lesotho and is made for three forms (A, B and C) corresponding to the grades of junior school. Forms A and B do not mention HIV and AIDS.
This report is based on the 2nd quinquennial review and appraisal for the thirty-seventh session of the commission in 2004. It is divided into an introduction and seven chapters.
The Junior Certificate Syllabus integrates environmental issues, population and family life education.
This is an HIV, STI and teenage pregnancy prevention curriculum targeting high-school students (Grades 9 to 12, ages 14 to 18). It is designed to be incorporated into a broader family life or health education programme. This evidence-based curriculum has been thoroughly evaluated.
The fact sheet suggests that programmes need to consider patterns and consequences of coerced sex when addressing reproductive health, HIV prevention, and other needs of young people.
For some decades now students have been given lessons about drugs in school in the belief that education about drugs can change their behaviour.
This publication documents the experience of more than 100 community-based organisations in Southern Africa, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe-in planning a prevention response to substance abuse among the youth of their communities.
Une consultation des jeunes sur le VIH/SIDA, avec pour thème central : « Mobilisation de la jeunesse pour le changement de comportement», a été organisée à Bujumbura, au Burundi, du 19 au 21 octobre 2004 par le Bureau Régional de l'UNESCO à Nairobi.