Health and Education Resource Centre
This manual is aimed at young people working with groups of young people, to help set up an effective HIV/AIDS health promotion programme. However, the manual is also useful for anyone working with young people to improve their health and life skills.
Cette brochure sur la santé reproductive des adolescents est le dernier d'une série de quatre, produite dans le cadre du programme d'orientation, de conseil et de développement de la jeunesse pour l'Afrique.
This article examines levels of adolescent childbearing, abortion and pregnancy in developed countries in the mid 1990s, as well as trends over recent decades.
This study is in response to the ADEA Working Group on Higher Education's decision to undertake case studies on the way HIV/AIDS affects some individual universities in Africa, and to document the responses and coping mechanisms that these institutions have developed.
Strengthening the rights of the child is a priority area for SADC-EU cooperation. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in the SADC countries places many of these rights in jeopardy, among them the right to education.
Context: An entertainment-education radio soap opera, Apwe Plezi, was broadcast from February 1996 to September 1998 in St. Lucia. The program promoted family planning, HIV prevention and other social development themes.
This paper argues that HIV/AIDS stands education on its head. Education in a world with AIDS must be different from education in an AIDS free world. The content, process, methodology, role and organization of school education in a world with HIV/AIDS must be radically altered.
Report assesses impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector, addressing both the current situation and what can be expected: fewer school enrolments, decreased teacher supply, increased health costs straining governments and families.
On October 25-26, 2000, the Office of Women in Development in the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) sponsored the "Colloquium on Girls' Education: A Key Intervention Against HIV/AIDS and Its Effects?" in Washington, D.C.