Indicators for education sector HIV response programmes: a review of existing resources
Over the past decade, the education sector has played an increasingly important role in the multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS.
Over the past decade, the education sector has played an increasingly important role in the multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines that should be used by persons who are responsible for developing and implementing strategic school health programs.
EDC conducted this desk review to determine those elements that are essential for developing the capacity of the education sector to perform M&E activities that will strengthen country-level comprehensive responses to HIV and AIDS within a coordinated regional approach.
This comic Book is a collaboration between two projects: APHIA II Western and Scouting for Solutions.
The Kenya Girl Guides Association implements an integrated program on Life Skills and Peer Education in schools. Adult Guide Leaders conduct Life Skills sessions with Guides in Girl Guide Units in each participating school.
This document drew from publications, the recommendations of more than 100 experts in Family Planning (FP) and HIV/AIDS, and lessons learned from field experience. The document is designed to help people make appropriate decisions about whether to pursue the integration of FP and HIV services.
The Impact of HIV-related Restrictions on Entry, Stay and Residence: Personal Narratives was commissioned by the International Task Team on HIV-related Travel Restrictions.
Con la ayuda de este cuadernillo los jóvenes y adolescentes podrán conocer más acerca de la sexualidad, sus manifestaciones, la reproducción sexual, el aparato reproductor masculino y femenino; los cuidados en salud que deben tener hombres y mujeres; y los derechos sexuales y reproductivos.
Este cuadernillo diseñado especialmente para estudiantes, contiene información sobre las ITS y VIH/Sida: ¿Qué son? ¿Cómo se adquieren? ¿Cómo se detectan? ¿Cómo se transmiten? ¿Cuáles son sus síntomas? y ¿Cómo prevenirlas?
It is still widely anticipated that the AIDS epidemic will have a devastating impact on the education sector in Africa.