South African national HIV prevalence, incidence, behaviour and communication survey, 2008: the health of our children
The main rationale for this study was to better understand the health status of South African children in relation to HIV.
The main rationale for this study was to better understand the health status of South African children in relation to HIV.
This report is based on research and interviews conducted by the Center between June 2009 and February 2010. The Center gathered the experiences of 59 women through a combination of in-depth interviews and focus group discussions.
Previous studies from sub-Saharan Africa have found that orphans experience increased sexual risk compared to non-orphans.
Objectives: In 2001 the United Nations (UN) Declaration of Commitment was signed by 189 countries with a goal to reduce HIV prevalence among young people by 25% by 2010. Progress towards this target is assessed.
Background: Many programmes on young people and HIV/AIDS prevention have focused on the in-school and channeled sexual and reproductive health messages through schools with limited activities for the young people's families.
With improved access to treatment for people living with HIV many are now able to live longer. As a result there is growing interest in overall quality of life issues.
This preliminary report on the 2001 Fertility and Reproductive Health Survey (FRHS) provides information on fertility, contraception, maternal and child health, infant and child mortality, knowledge of STDs and HIV/AIDS and internal migration in Myanmar.
The paper presents the results of a baseline survey conducted to assess the knowledge and awareness of reproductive health matters among the students of the junior and high schools.
L'étude présente certaines différences par sexe observées chez les enfants dans les enquêtes par sondage de type EDS (DHS) ou EMF (WFS) en Afrique subsaharienne.
L'évolution de la politique ivoirienne en matière de fécondité, examinée à partir d'une documentation écrite, se caractérise par deux périodes : une phase de populationnisme précédant 1991, reposant tout particulièrement sur l'idée d'un effet positif de la croissance de la pop