Nangi's shattered dream, Namibia
This booklet is one of an ongoing series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV/AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
This booklet is one of an ongoing series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV/AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
This document was prepared by the Department of Educational Testing Guidance and Psychological Services (DETGPS) in the Ministry of Education in Swaziland, so as to help children face the challenges in this era of HIV and AIDS, substance abuse, etc.
The book contains information about HIV/AIDS and safer sex education for use with young learners, lesson plans and tips for different types of lesson and resources.
"Life Skills, Health & Family Life and Citizenship Education, Curriculum Guide for Grade 9, Draft" is a guide edited by the Ministry of Education of Guyana in collaboration with UNICEF in 2003.
Esta banda desenhada faz parte de uma colecção que foi elaborada pelo Programa Municipal de DST/AIDS de Cubatão no Brasil. O material que é totalmente colorido e destinado a crianças e adolescentes, mete em cena sete jovens á procura de informações sobre o HIV/SIDA.
Este livro, que foi realizado pela Save The Children UK em Moçambique, procura de forma clara e simples orientar a criança de modo a que esta possa estar informada sozinha, com amigos ou pessoas adultas sobre os vários assuntos relacionados com as DST's/HIV/SIDA.
This curriculum is designed to help youth in Ghana face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants.
This curriculum is designed to help youth in Ghana face the challenges of growing up. The set includes a facilitator's manual and a workbook for participants.
This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 cases studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa.
This curriculum has been developed to assist individuals to have a clear and factual view of humanity; to provide them with the information and skills necessary for rational decision-making about their sexual health; to change behaviour; and to prevent HIV infection.