Reaching out to teen mothers in Malawi
Save the Children began working in Malawi in 1983, and in the southern Mangochi district in 1993. Among its earliest concerns in Mangochi was adolescent reproductive and sexual health.
Save the Children began working in Malawi in 1983, and in the southern Mangochi district in 1993. Among its earliest concerns in Mangochi was adolescent reproductive and sexual health.
This document sets out how we want to build on the key planks of the existing Strategy so that all young people: receive the information, advice and support they need – from parents, teachers and other professionals – to deal with pressure to have sex; enjoy positive and caring relationships; and
In total, women spend around six to seven years of their lives menstruating. A key priority for women and girls is to have the necessary knowledge, facilities and cultural environment to manage menstruation hygienically, and with dignity.
This report provides a systematic account of a three-year programme dubbed Teachers - Agents of Dissemination and Change (TAD), which was designed to provide all public school teachers at the Pre-Tertiary level with information to enable them protect themselves and their students from being infec
The manual is designed to provide policy-makers, district health officers, hospital directors, clinical supervisors and service providers with accessible, clinically oriented information to guide the provision of reproductive health services in Nepal.
Esta Política direcciona el desarrollo de la sexualidad como dimensión prioritaria definida en el Plan Decenal de Salud Pública, que incluye el disfrute de la sexualidad y el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y los derechos reproductivos en forma digna, libre, e igualitaria y la transformación d
This Framework proposes principles and provides guidelines for the introduction of appropriate curricula for comprehensive sexuality education.
Under the banner of South-South cooperation and in line with UNESCO's EDUCAIDS Framework, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Africa (BREDA) and UNESCO Brasilia have been working together to provide technical support to the five Portuguese-speaking countries (PALOP) for the development o
This report examines the impacts of HIV on the care choices of children, exploring how HIV affects whether or not children can remain within parental care, and on the alternative care options open to them.
This guide on positive prevention was developed to assist people living with HIV, service providers and policy makers to understand, promote and implement appropriate rights-based strategies for addressing the prevention needs of people living with HIV.