Stand out against homophobia in schools
Stand Out: Against Homophobia in Schools is a package of resources for students to make an impact on homophobia in schools. It includes a 32 page guide booklet, two new posters, stickers and a video.
Stand Out: Against Homophobia in Schools is a package of resources for students to make an impact on homophobia in schools. It includes a 32 page guide booklet, two new posters, stickers and a video.
The academic consequences of bullying are severe, not to mention the mental and physical well-being of targeted students and bystanders alike. Bullying is not a new phenomenon, of course, but neither is it an unalterable fact of childhood.
Irish legislation and educational policy guidance requires schools to promote equality of access to and participation in education. In this context schools are required to address discrimination, harassment and bullying, including homophobic harassment and bullying.
Stonewall has launched a new campaign reassuring gay school pupils that they don't have to wait for things to get better in their lives -- they can be great now. In Britain we have partnership rights, the right to serve in the military and the right to have children.
Bullied is a Teaching Tolerance documentary film that chronicles one student's ordeal at the hands of anti-gay bullies and offers an inspiring message of hope to those fighting harassment today. It can become a cornerstone of anti-bullying efforts in middle and high schools.
The Same is an anti-bullying anthem for kids everywhere who want to help make a difference in the lives of others. Kids can help kids stop bullying.
This webinar presented an overview of research findings from GLSEN's 2009 National School Climate Survey, as detailed in a new report on the school experiences of LGBT youth that was released on September 13th.
Les propos et comportements homophobes sont présents dans le milieu scolaire et atteignent un grand nombre de jeunes, pas seulement les gais, les lesbiennes ou les bisexuels.
NOH8 Anti-bullying campaign
Contact Paris - Ile-de-France est une association à but non lucratif, animée par des parents et des homosexuels. Ses objectifs sont: Aider les familles et leurs amis à comprendre et à accepter l'orientation sexuelle de leurs proches.