Accelerating education’s response to HIV and AIDS
A review was conducted to assess key achievements of the Accelerate Initiative, lessons learned and possible ways forward.
A review was conducted to assess key achievements of the Accelerate Initiative, lessons learned and possible ways forward.
This ICHA Fact Sheet (#7) aims at briefly describing how the Ministry is selecting and contracting NGOs to assist in the implementation of the national "Life Skills for HIV and AIDS Education Programme" that is implemented across Cambodia for students, out-of-school youth and street chi
The United Nations Regional Task Force on Injecting Drug Use and HIV/AIDS for Asia and the Pacific (UN RTF) commissioned the Centre for Harm Reduction (CHR), Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Australia to undertake a baseline assessment of current policies, progr
The Greater Mekong sub-Regional Workshop on Strengthening the Education Sector Response to School Health, Nutrition (SHN) and HIV&AIDS Programmes took place from the 5th to the 9th March 2007, in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Peer education is a powerful strategy to promote positive behaviour change and improve the life skills of young people. This peer education program builds upon the concepts and life skills first introduced in the Upper Primary Personal Development syllabus.
This Policy was developed to ensure that implementation of child rights which are universally recognised and strengthening the quality and effectiveness of basic education.
The HIV/AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea has been widely distributed throughout the country. In 2006 the HIV/AIDS/STIs Implementation Plan 2007-2012 for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea was developed.
The study described here explores, for three regions with generalized HIV and AIDS epidemics, the impact of the epidemic on teacher supply now and up to 2015, the target date for the achievement of education for all.
Red Ribbon is a booklet which is part of the pilot project "Engaging Young People to Prevent the Spread of HIV" implemented by the NGO SPACE (Society for People's Awareness, Care and Empowerment) and supported by UNESCO, New Delhi.
This paper is a collection, both previously published and new, describing efforts in the Asia/Pacific region to target young women with HIV prevention health messages.