The effect of HIV/AIDS on educational attainment
Using data from Demographic and Health Surveys for eleven countries in sub-Saharan Africa,the authorestimates the effect of local HIV prevalence on individual human capital investment.
Using data from Demographic and Health Surveys for eleven countries in sub-Saharan Africa,the authorestimates the effect of local HIV prevalence on individual human capital investment.
This report presents results of a baseline survey commissioned by Uganda National Teachers Union (UNATU) to gather baseline information that will guide the planning and implementation of the EFAIDS project.
Maintaining and enhancing educational quality in the context of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is particularly difficult because the virus is infecting increasing numbers of teaching and administrative staff in the education sector. The epidemic is also affecting pupils.
La présente recherche réalisée au sein des universités de Ouagadougou, de Bobo-Dioulasso et de Koudougou, analyse les perceptions, les attitudes et les pratiques des universitaires face au VIH/Sida et leur réponse en matière de lutte contre ce phénomène.
The Safe Schools Program has just released the Student and Teacher Baseline Report on School-Related Gender-Based Violence in Machinga District, Malawi which details the methodology, population characteristics, and results of a recently conducted survey on gender-based physical, psychological and
This document looks at the relationship between literacy and HIV prevention education and is the result of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning's work on examining the contribution of non-formal education (NFE) to HIV prevention, carried out in collaboration with the Association for th
This study sought to examine the extent to which a teacher training institution in Zambia was able to address the problem of HIV and AIDS.
This report provides an overview of the presentations, discussions and conclusions of the UNAIDS Interagency Task Team on Education (IATT) symposium on "Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights in Education: Challenges in Reality".
This report presents the findings of baseline survey to determine the current situation with regards to the HIV and AIDS programmes in all Secondary Schools in Botswana.
This aide memoire presents the results of a country case study of Kenya which took place in the context of a four-country exercise commissioned by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education.