Factors influencing access and retention in primary schooling for children and young people affected by HIV and AIDS: Case studies from rural Malawi
This report presents findings from the second phase of the SOFIE research project.
This report presents findings from the second phase of the SOFIE research project.
From 1999 to 2006, Kenya Girl Guides Association received support from Family Health International (FHI) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to integrate HIV and AIDS prevention into more than 700 Guide Units in three regions: Coast, Rift Valley, and Western.
There is much evidence showing an association between sexual behavior and both attendance and attainment. Experimental evidence that school attendance leads to safer sexual behavior is currently under review.
This study is an article extracted from "Studies in Family Planning", special issue on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, published in December 2008.
The process of linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS needs to work in both directions: this means that traditional sexual and reproductive health services need to integrate HIV/AIDS interventions, and also that programmes set up to address the AIDS epidemic need to integrate more ge
Documento que describe las actividades del Instituto de Formación Sexológica Integral SEXUR. En el primer capítulo se entrega reseña histórica de la sexología y educación sexual en Uruguay, su evolución y problemas, la mirada abarcadora que propone el SEXUR.
This course is a self-access e-learning course primarily designed for people who are involved in educating young people in both formal and informal educational settings. This course aims to build a broad knowledge base on HIV and AIDS.
"Teaching sexuality and life-skills" is part of the Our future series of pupils' and teachers' books published by International HIV/AIDS Alliance in 2008 .
One goal of the Guidelines is to guide the efforts of professionals working in the area of sexual health education and promotion.
This paper is a critical review of interventions that are used in different developing contexts to enhance educational access and attainment. The paper was informed by data and information gathered through a multi-method approach.