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Simple, easy and interactive ways to learn about HIV and AIDS.
Simple, easy and interactive ways to learn about HIV and AIDS.
Overlooked and Uninformed: Young Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is a short informational brief focusing on young adolescents across the world and their needs to know about their bodies and their sexual rights and responsibilities.
Elaborado pelo Instituto Nacional para o Desenvolvimento da Educação, o presente Manual oferece marcos norteadores na abordagem das temáticas da sexualidade e saúde direcionada a jovens e adolescentes.
Live Safe, Play Safe is a skills-based health education program that protects children's health by enabling them to avoid HIV infection.
Fulaas is one of our community based distributors. He’s also a volunteer. This film follows him as he dispenses family planning advice and contraceptives to villagers in Oromo, Ethiopia. Without Fulaas, and others like him, there would be very little access to contraception in rural Ethiopia.
OneWorld UK (OWUK) is a UK-based non-governmental organisation and with Butterfly Works Netherlands, a Dutch Foundation, conceived the Learning about Living Project with key stakeholders from the civil society and government in Nigeria.
School-based programming is one of the most common approaches to HIV/AIDS prevention among youth.