Cuidando mi salud y mi vida: guía metodológica para docentes II ciclo de educación básica: cuarto, quinto y sexto grados
En esta guía se presentan: las orientaciones metodológicas, la estructura de la guía, y el plan didáctico.
En esta guía se presentan: las orientaciones metodológicas, la estructura de la guía, y el plan didáctico.
En esta guía se presentan: las orientaciones metodológicas, la estructura de la
guía y el plan didáctico.
Una segunda parte contiene la descripción de catorce unidades con su respectivo
contenido sus expectativas de logro, los recursos, objetivos de la actividad, los
En esta guía se presentan: las orientaciones metodológicas, la estructura de la guía, y el plan didáctico.
El presente trabajo es el resultado de un proceso de evaluación y monitoreo que ha dado protagonismo a las voces de los docentes. En ellas aparecen reflejados los logros y los avances en Educación Sexual Integral en la Argentina. El material está organizado en dos partes.
It is a statutory requirement for all schools in Northern Ireland to have a drugs policy and publish details in relation to the policy in their prospectus; deliver drugs education to include legal and illegal substances; and inform the Police Service of Northern Ireland if they believe or suspect
This resource is intended for harm reduction service providers with limited experience of working with children and young people who inject drugs.
This briefing paper provides advice and tips for teachers and educators responsible for delivering alcohol and drug education. Questions for schools: 1. What are the key principles of alcohol and drug education? 2. How do we get ready to teach? 3. What teaching methods shall we use?
This resource guide serves as a tool for implementers and advocates in the WASH and education nexus to pursue and promote integrated programming. It contains summaries of manuals and reports, mapping resources, and a list of organizations working on WASH in Schools.
Tanzania has one of the highest rates of adolescent pregnancies in the world. When a female secondary student falls pregnant, the practice has been to permanently expel her. This is the fate of approximately 6000 female students every year.
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Zanzibar.