Kaba's story, Togo
This booklet is one of an ongoing series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV/AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
This booklet is one of an ongoing series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV/AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
Uganda AIDS Commission and the Youth Communication Program: In response to the Presidential initiative which seeks to improve the HIV/AIDS communication support to youth in the country, UAC will spearhead a comprehensive communication program for young people in Uganda, starting with primary scho
The training manual was developed within the framework of the regional dimension project "Gender Equity and Reproductive Health and Rights in Asia," coordinated by the Italian Association for Women in Development (AIDOS), under the EC/UNFPA Initiative for Reproductive Health in Asia (RHI).
This manual was developed to support the training of teachers. It facilitates the learning of issues related to HIV/AIDS as well as other issues relevant to the needs of learners. It was developed as part of the Red Ribbon programme of Namibia. The manual consists of 5 training modules.
The main objective of the DISTRICT MANAGERS HIV/AIDS RESOURCE KIT is to: Provide a comprehensive information and management framework for education system managers at all levels (but focusing on the district), to empower them to: Understand the nature of the crisis; Factor the likely impact on ed
L'ecole contribue de manière spécfique à l'éducation à la santé et à la sexualité des jeunes, Des instructions officielles en ont défini les orientations.
The purpose of this publication is to provide a checklist for the education manager at District Level to raise awareness of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education system.
This is a draft discussion paper, which forms the basis to develop jointly a 5-year program proposal to scale up targeted psychosocial support programs for OVC.
This report is of a study conducted by Displaced Children Orphans Fund (DCOF), in Malawi and Zimbabwe. The team that conducted this research aimed to find out what could be learned from the project experiences and approaches in these countries that would inform scaling up efforts.
Drawing on its historical involvement with displaced children and orphans, and boosted by an FY 1999 $10 million Congressional directive for care and support of children affected by HIV/AIDS, USAID is becoming a global leader in addressing the enormous challenges posed by the situation confrontin