Adolescent and youth situation analysis Lao People’s Democratic Republic: "Investing in young people is investing in the future"
This AYSA report focuses on young people aged 10-24 years.
This AYSA report focuses on young people aged 10-24 years.
El propósito de esta publicación es ofrecerles una visión objetiva sobre el VIH, la sexualidad de las y los adolescentes en Panamá y sobre la educación integral de la sexualidad.
Gender Based Violence (GBV) in and around schools is now widely recognized as a serious global phenomenon that is a fundamental violation of human rights and a major barrier to the realization of all children’s rights to education.
Deuxième volet d’une série consacrée aux principaux freins à l’éducation des filles, ce rapport met en lumière les multiples défis à relever et dévoile différentes méthodes d’intervention utilisées par Plan International et ses partenaires pour lutter contre les violences de genre en milieu scola
This report presents the results of a study on School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV) undertaken by the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) in partnership with the Plan International.
This compendium has profiled and analysed 11 case studies on integrated service delivery in the context of EMTCT from 9 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Nigeria is one of few countries that reports having translated national policies on school-based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) into near-nationwide implementation.
Adolescence is a decisive age for girls and boys around the world. What they experience during their teenage years shapes the direction of their lives and that of their families.
Schools, health agencies, parents, and communities share a common goal of supporting the link between healthy eating, physical activity, and improved academic achievement of children and adolescents.
In this paper, the policy platform is documented as well as the type, coverage and the effect of the school health and nutrition interventions, followed by the key areas identified for development and learning of the School Health Promotion Program (SHPP).