Bolivia's complementary school feeding: a case study
Today, Bolivia offers an example of a highly decentralised approach to school feeding as there is not yet a national program.
Today, Bolivia offers an example of a highly decentralised approach to school feeding as there is not yet a national program.
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Uganda.
Temas abordados: 1. Nutrição 2. Agricultura familiar 3. Conselho de alimentação escolar 4. Recursos financeiros 5. Denúncia 6. Prestação de contas.
UNAIDS and the UN World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) Sustainable Tourism for Eliminating Poverty (ST-EP) Foundation have released a new book on HIV for children. The book is about two friends, Kendi and Kayla. Kendi is living with HIV.
El documento abajo intenta presentar una primera aproximación a las respuestas que desde la educación se vienen dando en relación a la orientación sexual y la identidad de género.
More than three decades after the identification of the virus, HIV continues to affect millions of people worldwide even though infection rates are down in a number of countries. From the beginning, the education sector has played a central role in responding to HIV.
Refiere que la Educación Sexual Integral es un deber de la escuela y un derecho al que todos los y las estudiantes deben tener acceso.
From 2013 to 2014 ICRW and the Forum for African Women Educationalists Uganda (FAWEU) partnered to answer several questions about girls’ education in two districts in the West Nile sub-region of Northwestern Uganda: What percentage of adolescent girls (14-18) have dropped out of school?
In this paper, we tackle the question of causality between early marriage and school dropout, using data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) from nine Southern and Eastern African countries.
INTRODUCTION: Adolescents having unprotected heterosexual intercourse are at risk of HIV infection and unwanted pregnancy. However, there is little evidence to indicate whether pregnancy in early adolescence increases the risk of subsequent HIV infection.