¿Qué funciona para prevenir la violencia sexual y el acoso en la escuela? Una revisión internacional
La violencia en la escuela es un problema que afecta a una proporción importante de estudiantes en todo el mundo.
La violencia en la escuela es un problema que afecta a una proporción importante de estudiantes en todo el mundo.
Muchos países de la región cuentan con normativas específicas que establecen la obligatoriedad de la implementación de la Educación Sexual Integral/Educación Integral en Sexualidad (ESI/EIS) o bien, desarrollaron políticas públicas a favor de ello.
The third in a series of regular reports that WFP is committing to provide, the State of School Feeding Worldwide allows for the continuing overview of school meal programmes everywhere in the world, focusing on national programmes implemented by governments.
School health and nutrition programmes are among the most widely implemented public policies in the world.
Violence in schools and other education settings causes serious harm to children and adolescents that can last into adulthood. As the UN World Report on Violence against Children observed, it is a global phenomenon.
This publication was developed through an international consultation process led by UNESCO in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), members of the UN Interagency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Di
Available evidence supports a clear and compelling role for the education sector in preventing early and unintended pregnancy and ensuring the right to education for pregnant and parenting girls.
Early adolescence, age 10 to 14, is a pivotal moment in the lives of young girls and boys around the world.
Esta publicación se centra en dos temáticas relevantes en el marco de la línea de investigación en “Socialización preventiva de la violencia de género” desarrollada por el centro de investigación CREA. Estas dos temáticas son: el amor ideal y las nuevas masculinidades alternativas.
This policy paper argues that school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) is a global concern preventing children, especially girls, exercising their right to a safe, inclusive and quality education.