DEMMIS: a local level management tool
This occasional paper is the second in a series about Education Management Information Systems.
This occasional paper is the second in a series about Education Management Information Systems.
Education sexuelle par les pairs éducateurs jeunes. Guide du formateur est un document développé par le Conseil national de lutte contre le sida de la République du Congo.
This synthesis is produced in the context of an IIEP and ERNWACA collaboration to provide a West and Central African content material for the HIV/AIDS and Education Clearinghouse.
Les études d'impact, de prévention, et de sensibilisation pour le changement des comportements, ainsi que les documents de politiques et de stratégies qui traitent du VIH/SIDA sur le système éducatif, mais surtout de l'impact sur les apprenants des pays tels que le Burkina Faso, le Came
La présente synthèse établit les données documentaires disponibles dans le cadre de l'impact du VIH/SIDA sur le système éducatif.
This document provides a literature review on programs in developing countries that have addressed or challenged gender-based violence with a link to the reproductive health/HIV sectors.
This paper uses a framework for quality education developed by UNESCO's Education Sector, Division for the Promotion of Quality Education (ED/PEQ) to show how education systems can and must change in their analysis and conduct in relation to HIV/AIDS.
This is the MOEC Strategic Plan (MOECSP) for HIV/AIDS, 2003 - 2007. It outlines the MOEC plans to address the challenges presented by HIV/AIDS.
This report displays the positions of the National examinations council of Kenya in the quality assurance in basic education; it explains the process of quality assurance in education.