Educación y diversidad sexual: guía didáctica
La guía está dirigida a docentes, maestros, educadores, y demás referentes de la educación.
La guía está dirigida a docentes, maestros, educadores, y demás referentes de la educación.
El Ministerio de Educación de la Nación presenta aquí un material que propone una reflexión acerca de las formas que puede asumir el maltrato entre pares en la escuela, sea bajo las formas del hostigamiento o del acoso.
Resultados del relevamiento estadístico sobre clima escolar, violencia y conflicto en escuelas según la perspectiva de los alumnos, realizado por el Observatorio Argentino de Violencia en las Escuelas, Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, a partir de una encuesta aplicada a 26.000 alumnos de esc
Access to education is one of the fundamental rights of every child which should be delivered in a conducive and safe learning environment.
School-age children in Rwanda face many challenges related to poor health and poverty such as: environmental hazards including inadequate water, sanitation facilities and school infrastructure, communicable and non-communicable diseases and gender-based violence.
This report presents findings from a baseline study carried out in specific districts of five Asian countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam, as part of a programme to address School Related Gender based Violence (SRGBV) in the region.
Beyond Barriers explores the adolescent sexual and reproductive health context in three Central American countries: Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras.
The objective of this literature review was to provide a background to the current context relating to the provision of comprehensive and integrated youth-friendly SRHR and HIV prevention services to students at post-schooling institutions in South Africa and in the Eastern Cape.
The present national survey of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours (KAB) of students and staff at technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges was the first to be conducted in this sector and served to obtain baseline measures on knowledge, attitudes and behaviour pertaining to
Ce rapport présente une évaluation des politiques d'alimentation scolaire et des institutions qui affectent les jeunes enfants à Madagascar.