Le cannabis chez les adolescents: Un défi pour le personnel scolaire
Cette publication est le fruit d’un ouvrage collectif en réponse aux nombreuses interrogations qui interpellent l’ensemble de la communauté scolaire à propos du cannabis.
Cette publication est le fruit d’un ouvrage collectif en réponse aux nombreuses interrogations qui interpellent l’ensemble de la communauté scolaire à propos du cannabis.
Este texto pretende ofrecer herramientas para sistematizar las acciones que se llevan a cabo día a día a partir del desarrollo del concepto de prevención integral.
These three leaflets are addressed to students, teachers, and families, respectively.
This step-by-step guide is intended to clarify intent and procedures for conducting searches and testing
for drugs on school premises. For parents/guardians and learners, it addresses some of the common questions
and concerns, and outlines their rights and responsibilities.
Un instrumento de apoyo metodológico para el desarrollo de los contenidos de los programas de estudio relacionados con la educación integral de la sexualidad.
Choosing the best approach to drug education is a key task for all stakeholders in the field of prevention. This proposal aims to reduce repetition and minimize class disruptions whilst ensuring that effective drug prevention programmes are in place.
Alcohol and drug abuse is a global challenge, which has detrimental effects on the health, wealth and security of nations. Its impact is being felt in schools in South Africa and is compromising the quality of teaching and learning and the safety of learning spaces.
Cet outil pédagogique s’adresse aux enseignant-e-s du degré primaire qui prennent en charge des classes d’enfants âgés de 10 à 12 ans.
This briefing paper sets out what schools need to know about caffeine use by children and young people. It includes case studies of two schools (primary and secondary) who found that caffeine and energy drinks use was a problem for their pupils and how they addressed this.
When schools and teachers think about ‘drugs’, they may often initially focus on incidents on school grounds and how to respond to them, students at risk of using substances, or perhaps about drug education.