Forced out: mandatory pregnancy testing and the expulsion of pregnant students in Tanzanian schools
This publication documents the forced pregnancy testing and expulsion of pregnant school girls in mainland Tanzania.
This publication documents the forced pregnancy testing and expulsion of pregnant school girls in mainland Tanzania.
This reports’objective is to assess the work directed at reducing unplanned teenage pregnancy and to look at what else can be done to support young people at risk of pregnancy or who have a child very young.
Although the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia are not affected to the same extent as other world regions, adolescent pregnancy is a major challenge in parts of the region, and in particular among some population groups.
This pamphlet has been prepared for secondary school administrators, teachers, counselors, parents, and students. The first section provides background on school retention problems associated with pregnant and parenting students.
Allocution de Mme Marie Mariam Gisèle Guigma/Diasso sur les grossesses précoces et non desires au Burkina Faso, les causes, les consequences et les actions conduits par le Burkina Faso.
L’objectif principal de l’étude était defaire une analyse qualitative et quantitative du phénomène de grossesses en milieu scolaire et proposer des solutions réalistes et pertinentes pour la prévention.
This report presents an update on the current situation of pregnancies among girls less than 18 years of age and adolescents 15-19 years of age; trends during the last 10 years; variations across geographic, cultural and economic settings; interventions available to minimize pregnancy among adole
South African national education policy is committed to promoting gender equality at school and to facilitating the successful completion of all young people’s schooling, including those who may become pregnant and parent while at school.
These guidelines are primarily intended for programme managers, technical advisors and researchers from governments, nongovernmental organizations, development agencies and academia.
WASH in Schools (WinS) fosters social inclusion and individual self-respect. By offering an alternative to the stigma and marginalization associated with hygiene issues, it empowers all students – and especially encourages girls and female teachers.