An assessment of the implementation of the re-entry policy for girls in Swaziland: school practices and implications for policy development
Swaziland has no stand-alone re-entry policy.
Swaziland has no stand-alone re-entry policy.
Teenage pregnancy in South African schools poses a serious management and leadership challenge.
This publication documents the forced pregnancy testing and expulsion of pregnant school girls in mainland Tanzania.
Allocution de Mme Marie Mariam Gisèle Guigma/Diasso sur les grossesses précoces et non desires au Burkina Faso, les causes, les consequences et les actions conduits par le Burkina Faso.
L’objectif principal de l’étude était defaire une analyse qualitative et quantitative du phénomène de grossesses en milieu scolaire et proposer des solutions réalistes et pertinentes pour la prévention.
South African national education policy is committed to promoting gender equality at school and to facilitating the successful completion of all young people’s schooling, including those who may become pregnant and parent while at school.
This report is a call to decision makers, parents, communities and to the world to end child marriage. It documents the current scope, prevalence and inequities associated with child marriage.
Being pregnant and a young parent in South African schools is not easy. Books and Babies examines why this is the case.
Women in South Africa have had fewer children on average since the 1970s, but the rate of teenage childbearing in South Africa has remained the same.
Background: Adolescent pregnancy, occurring in girls aged 10–19 years, remains a serious health and social problem worldwide, and has been associated with numerous risk factors evident in the young people’s family, peer, school, and neighbourhood contexts.