Health and Education Resource Centre
This paper presents an authoritative overview of the relationship between HIV/AIDS and the education sector. Set against the backcloth of international commitments, actions and targets, it looks at what is known about the impact of HIV/AIDS on education.
This document represents the National Plan of Action for Orphans and Other Children Made Vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in Jamaica, 2003-2006.
Findings from an assessment of provincial health care facilities offering reproductive services to identify gaps in service delivery and determine priorities for integration to meet the growing demand for HIV/AIDS-related services.
The Government of Malawi is deeply concerned about the situation of orphans in the country. The HIV/AIDS pandemic is tragically claiming a lot of lives.
This paper examines and questions the predictions found in the academic and policy literature of social breakdown in Southern Africa in the wake of anticipated high rates of orphanhood caused by the AIDS epidemic.
The international workshop "Protecting the rights of young children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS in Africa: Updating strategies and reinforcing existing networks" took place in UNESCO Headquarters co-organized by UNESCO and the Early Childhood Development Network for Africa (ECDNA)
Summarizes the effects of a succession planning program on the actions taken by HIV-positive parents and standby guardians to plan and provide for the future of their children. Baseline report (2001) also available.
The common presumption that orphans are less likely to attend school than non-orphans is re-examined using survey data from two regions in Tanzania. It is argued that orphans should not be compared simply with non-orphans since there are other vulnerable groups of children.
Cette brochure a été conçue pour des personnes qui viennent d'apprendre leur séropositivité. Elle a pour but de les aider à faire face à cette situation angoissante en mettant à leur disposition des informations sur la maladie et des témoignages de personnes qui ont vécu la même chose.