AIDS: what young people think about it; educational practices and policies
This publication is the result of the project funded by the UNAIDS Young People Commitment and CO-Responsibility in Preventing the Spread of HIV and AIDS.
This publication is the result of the project funded by the UNAIDS Young People Commitment and CO-Responsibility in Preventing the Spread of HIV and AIDS.
Promoting abstinence is an important strategy that can help delay sexual activity, but complementary messages are needed for those who are sexually active.
The fact sheet presents the fact on HIV/AIDS among youth aged 13 to 24 in the United States and recommends effective strategies that may reduce sexual risk behaviours and prevent HIV and other STIs.
A key condition of contraceptive security is a policy environment that enables forecasting, financing, procuring, and delivering contraceptives in a fair and equitable way to all women and men who need them.
The handbook offers direction to activists working to ensure that it is permitted by law are safe and accessible, in accordance with international mandates.
In the decade ahead, HIV/AIDS is expected to kill ten times more people than conflict. In conflict situations, children and young people are most at risk from both HIV/AIDS infection and violence.
This paper encourages programme planners to understand the impact of prejudice and discrimination on vulnerable adolescents, to assess the needs and assets of young participants in prevention programmes, and to emphasize youth empowerment and cultural competency when developing interventions for
Overlooked and Uninformed: Young Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is a short informational brief focusing on young adolescents across the world and their needs to know about their bodies and their sexual rights and responsibilities.