Assessing the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector
This is a proposal clarifying the terms of reference and methodologies used in a study of the impacts of HIV/AIDS on the education sector.
This is a proposal clarifying the terms of reference and methodologies used in a study of the impacts of HIV/AIDS on the education sector.
This curriculum planning guide is meant to help Montana school districts design appropriate educational programmes, and provide schools with guidance on curriculum and related issues for age-appropriate HIV/AIDS prevention education.
The manual is based on the principle that advocacy strategies and methods can be learned. It is organized around a well-developed model-tested over time and within diverse cultures-for accomplishing advocacy objectives.
This is a report on the Regional Training Workshop on "Preventive Education Against HIV/AIDS in the School Setting" held from 18 to 23 October 1999 in Quezon City, Philippines. Funding support was provided by the Government of Japan.
This publication focuses on announcing websites dealing with adolescent reproductive and sexual health. It contains around 45 websites selected from among numerous sites on the Internet as of May 1999.
Zambia is currently experiencing one of the worst HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world, one result being that between one-third and one-quarter of the children aged below 15 have lost one or both parents.
This toolkit aims to assist Government Ministries or Departments to develop a sector-specific response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The toolkit is intended to facilitate the incorporation of HIV/AIDS issues into existing planning processes.
This UNESCO guide is a collection of examples of "best practices" in HIV/AIDS preventive education for African women especially the illiterate and the semi-literate.
This document begins by summarising the health and social problems of children living in a world of HIV/AIDS. The international response to the need of care systems for children affected by HIV/AIDS is also described. Other issues such as strategy development and systems design are explored.
This manual is aimed at providing some guidance in the area of psychosocial support of Children Affected by AIDS. This is in realisation of the fact that this is a major and often neglected aspect in the fight against the pandemic.