Catch 'em young: a best practice case study on school based AIDS preventive education programmes in Maharashtra, India
The State of Maharashtra has initiated AIDS education in public and private schools through three pilot projects.
The State of Maharashtra has initiated AIDS education in public and private schools through three pilot projects.
Breve revisión de la política de "solo abstinencia" como método de prevención de la transmisión de VIH, y qué otros factores debieran ser tomados en cuenta.
The HIV/Aids epidemic is raging in the countries of theSouth—above all in sub-Saharan Africa. Around half the newly infected are aged between 15 and 24. The only solution is to step up preventive action of all kinds. A number of new approaches are proving their worth.
This is a report of a workshop for Grassroots Women's Organisation in Africa and was organised in Abidjan from 7-11 September 1998 by UNESCO in co-operation with UNAIDS Regional HIV Development Project.
This document is an introduction for staff, advocates, and others to the legal issues facing school-based and school-linked health centers SBHC/SLHCs, with examples and discussion intended for non-lawyers.
This regional workshop, "Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse through Quality Improvement of Curriculum and Teaching/Learning Materials in Asia and the Pacific was organized from 25-29 August, 1997, by the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO in Beijing.
The resource materials presented here are based on the Interim Curriculum and Guidelines for Relationships and Sexuality Education prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and approved by the Department of Education and Science.
This volume addresses the value of motivating teens to delay childbearing and expand their educational and economic goals. The volume explores critical components of these programmes and identifies successful strategies.
This monograph presents a synthesis of elements of the most promising prevention strategies identified and used by peer led sexual health programmes.
This issue concentrates on the questions of "What are the challenges of designing social marketing campaigns to reach young adults?", and "What are the key elements of effective social marketing to reach young people?"