Comprehensive school health promotion: a guidebook for school health coordinators
This guide provides a basic understanding about why and how comprehensive school health should be promoted in schools.
This guide provides a basic understanding about why and how comprehensive school health should be promoted in schools.
In line with the mandate of the Office of Governance, this policy has been formulated to integrate the issue of HIV/AIDS into the mainstream human capital management policies of the Belize Public Service.
Learning About Healthy Living - An Activity Manual for Outreach Workers is a document developed by Family Health International in Lao PDR and funded by USAID in 2007. The manual illustrates the experiences of outreach workers in Lao PDR.
The aim of UNGASS Watch Belize is to communicate the goal of and strengthen national actions on monitoring of HIV/AIDS and S&RH policies. In ths document, several national policies are checked and an overall situation of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is given.
An evaluation of the Pride & Prejudice program, which ran in three Tasmanian schools in 2006, suggests that students who completed the program had more positive attitudes towards gay men and lesbians.
The document is prepared for teachers in the Caribbean, specifically in Jamaica.
This report presents the findings and outcomes of the three joint UNESCO/WB missions to Guyana, Jamaica and St. Lucia, and elaborates on next steps identified for action at both national and regional levels.
This tool is an organized set of questions designed to help practitioners to select, adapt, develop and implement more effective pregnancy, STI and HIV prevention programmes in their communities.
This is an in-school HIV, STI and pregnancy prevention programme targeting high-school students. It aims to help young people delay sex initiation and, if they have sex, to use condoms and minimise the number of sexual partners. An important feature of Safer Choices is its school-wide approach.
Another way to learn is a UNESCO initiative that supports Non-Formal Education projects working around the world in Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America.