Видеоуроки о здоровом образе жизни, безопасном поведении и профилактике насилия
В сотрудничестве с национальными экспертами ИИТО ЮНЕСКО создал серию видеоуроков по вопросам здорового образа жизни для учащихся 6-11 классов.
В сотрудничестве с национальными экспертами ИИТО ЮНЕСКО создал серию видеоуроков по вопросам здорового образа жизни для учащихся 6-11 классов.
To improve the condition of adolescents in Tanzania, several gaps in health and wellbeing programmes need to be addressed immediately or in the near term.
As part of its effort to advocate for girls’ education and girls’ rights, HakiElimu conducted a study in 2021 to assess Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights education in primary and secondary schools in Tanzania mainland.
This document sets out in the Department of Basic Education’s Policy on the Prevention and Management of Learner Pregnancy in Schools, its goals, guiding principles and themes to reduce and manage the incidence of learner pregnancy and its adverse impact on the affected learners and, more broadly
This paper provides a summary of the evidence on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and its linkages with the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) based on a rapid review of the evidence. It also highlights the requirements for CSE programming to effectively support GBV prevention.
This technical brief aims to inform and support global dialogue and accelerate action on prioritizing services and support for adolescent and young mothers living with HIV.
The National Plan of Action (NPA) on Adolescents and Teenage Pregnancy was first developed in 2019, to guide the implementation of programmes.
This comprehensive policy intends to ensure that school safety and security are at the top of the agenda for government at all levels.
National laws and education policies play a key role in establishing an enabling environment for the development and implementation of quality sexuality education programs.
School-related gender-based violence remains a pervasive and persistent threat to the rights, ability to learn, safety, physical health and emotional wellbeing of learners across the globe.