Sexuality Education in Fifth and Sixth Grades in U.S. Public Schools, 1999
This study was conducted in 1999 using data from a nationally representative survey of 5th and 6th grader teachers (n=1789) in 5,543 public schools.
This study was conducted in 1999 using data from a nationally representative survey of 5th and 6th grader teachers (n=1789) in 5,543 public schools.
This paper is an update of the original survey that was carried out by Carmel Dolan in 1997 and completed in 1998.
This chapter describes the staffing situation, both nationally and in the survey schools. The second section then pulls together the available data to assess current levels of mortality, morbidity and absenteism by staff.
This document reaffirms the goal of education for all as laid out by the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990) and other international conferences.
The report highlights the need to continue efforts to create broad-based support for reproductive health programs, improve coordination among stakeholders, strengthen NGOs so that they can effectively participate in the policy process, and enhance the financial sustainability of programs.
The general objective of this research study was to investigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on education.
This article presents three articles in this issue of Family Planning Perspectives.
This study analyzed data from a nationally representative survey of 3,754 7th-12th grade teachers of the subjects most often responsible for sexuality education.
The paper gives an account on the activities of UNICEF Myanmar supported "HIV/AIDS Prevention through the Promotion of Reproductive Health Project".
Thailand's country report on the Impact of HIV/AIDS on education presents some of the Thai experiences in HIV and AIDS prevention and control, the role of education in HIV and AIDS prevention and control and the impacts of HIV and AIDS on basic education.