Report of UNICEF's Project to Expand Programming for Families and Children Affected by HIV/AIDS, January 1998 to December 1999
This report discusses the UNICEF project to expand programming for families and children affected by HIV/AIDS.
This report discusses the UNICEF project to expand programming for families and children affected by HIV/AIDS.
This report presents the perceptions, attitudes and experiences of higher risk teenagers toward HIV testing in intimate and often poignant detail.
The purpose of this national assessment of children and families affected by HIV/AIDS is threefold: to review Mozambiques's overall programming and policy for orphans and other children made vulnerable by the AIDS epidemic, to identify opportunities for development of community-based respons
This is a report of a workshop for Grassroots Women's Organisation in Africa and was organised in Abidjan from 7-11 September 1998 by UNESCO in co-operation with UNAIDS Regional HIV Development Project.
This publication is part of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules, a comprehensive health education curriculum for middle and high school students.
This publication is part of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules, a comprehensive health education curriculum for middle and high school students.
This study provides examples of successful strategies for motivating adolescents to avoid unprotected intercourse in order to reduce the incidence of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV of adolescents in Zambia.
The HIV/AIDS Education Policy of the Ministry of Education was developed as part of the national response to the epidemic. The Ministry has a major responsibility to reduce the spread of HIV infection by addressing HIV/AIDS in its education programmes.
These guidelines were developed by a task force of experts and have been thoroughly reviewed by professionals. The vision of sexuality advocated is a "natural and healthy part of living that begins at birth and continues throughout life".
This is a report of the education programme on Life Skills and HIV/AIDS which informs students and teachers about HIV and also focuses on skills development, attitudes and motivational support.