AIDS education: Interventions in multi-cultural societies
The book is a reflection of the current state of HIV/AIDS education in the world.
The book is a reflection of the current state of HIV/AIDS education in the world.
This report is one of a set of a series of Education Division of the Overseas Development Administration (now DFID). It sets out to describe current policy and practice related to health and HIV/AIDS education in primary and secondary schools in Africa and Asia.
The National Strategy for the Reduction of Adolescent Pregnancy and Child Marriage (2018-2022) was developed to guide the prioritisation of all evidence-based adolescent pregnancy and child marriage reduction interventions in the country during this period.
The objectives of this policy are to: increase knowledge and awarenss on HIV/AIDS and accepting its reality; reduce high risk behaviour that is likely to lead to infection or re-infection of HIV/AIDS; prevent information of STDs and facilitate treatment of infected persons; promote and provide vo
This draft report looks at the effects of HIV/AIDS in tertiary institutions in Ghana.
This is a brief compilation of the impact of HIV and AIDS on Education in Swaziland, Ethiopia, Malawi, Kenya, South Africa, Bostwana, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
This document presents the standards of care for adolescents and young people in Zambia. It seeks to provide a guide for strengthening the coordination and delivery of quality adolescent friendly health services, and ensuring appropriate monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), early and unintended pregnancy leads to a colossal loss of educational opportunities for girls: A high proportion of pregnancies among adolescent girls aged 15-19 years in the region are unintended, and nearly all adolescent girls who have ever been pregnant are out o
This issue of the journal Waterlines looks at experiences of menstrual hygiene management in schools in a number of countries.
This article deals with the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on poverty and education in Africa. It considers the scale and scope of the pandemic and its anticipated impact on education systems in heavily infected sub-Saharan African countries.