Ghana education service: a teacher's guide on the prevention of drug abuse in schools
The Teachers Guide begins with a preface, an acknowledgement and brief introduction, and is followed by guidelines on how to use the curriculum in schools.
The Teachers Guide begins with a preface, an acknowledgement and brief introduction, and is followed by guidelines on how to use the curriculum in schools.
This report is one of a set of a series of Education Division of the Overseas Development Administration (now DFID). It sets out to describe current policy and practice related to health and HIV/AIDS education in primary and secondary schools in Africa and Asia.
This report describes the UNESCO regional seminar on HIV/AIDS and education within the school system for English-speaking countries in Eastern and Southern Africa held in February 1995.
This Teachers book accompanies the student's form two text book which aims to introduce a comprehensive AIDS education programme in schools that will help students develop knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS issues and problems.
Designed for HIV/AIDS education of students in form one in Zimbabwe and accompanied by a students book. It guides the teacher through a wide range of topics ranging from inter-personal relationships to HIV and AIDS.
This document is a synopsis of information available on pilot projects initiated jointly by WHO and UNESCO. The document provides a justification and the rationale for education on AIDS at school. It looks at the formulation and design of projects.
This document is a synthesis report on a workshop on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education that was held at the IIEP in December 1993.
This paper discusses the Tunis Declaration on AIDS and the Child in Africa made by the OAU Heads of State.
This manual is the output of a Regional Training Workshop on Evaluative research in Population Education. The manual is a simplistic presentation of the very basics of monitoring, evaluation and evaluative research as applied to population education.
Poster to help educate people about good hygiene practices, methods for disinfecting water, and caring for family members who may be at risk of contracting cholera. They are designed for all audiences and the graphics have been made regionally specific