Preventing HIV/AIDS in schools
The formal education system with a wide access to young people should play a central role in HIV/AIDS prevention.
The formal education system with a wide access to young people should play a central role in HIV/AIDS prevention.
Cette bande dessinée est le fruit de la collaboration entre le SFPS (Projet Régional Santé Familiale et Prévention du SIDA) établit à Abidjan et ONUSIDA Equipe Inter-Pays (Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre).
This series of five manuals focuses on young men. While many initiatives have sought to empower women in addressing gender-based inequality, the needs of young men appear often to have been neglected. This manual applies a gender perspective in working with young men.
Este documento es parte de un conjunto que incluye: Manual para planificadores de programas de estudio· Cuaderno de actividades de los estudiante, Guía del profesor
This manual was developed for teacher trade unions, their constituencies and teachers. It provides resources (including fact sheets and accurate information and data on HIV/STI) and examples of interactive skill-building activities.
Ce manuel d'éducation à la santé et particulièrement à la prévention du Sida au sein des milieux de jeunes et des femmes est basé sur l'approche par les compétences (Life skills).
This booklet is one of a series of easy-to-read materials produced by UNESCO.
This booklet is one of an ongoing series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV/AIDS prevention for southern African countries.
Este manual sobre sexualidad y salud reproductiva es parte de una serie de cinco manuales llamados "Trabajando con Hombres Jóvenes".
Este manual sobre VIH y SIDA es parte de una serie de cinco manuales llamados Proyecto H: "Trabajando con Hombres Jóvenes". Este material fue elaborado para educadores de salud, profesores y/u otros profesionales o voluntarios que deseen o que ya estén trabajando con hombres jóvenes.