Boas práticas sobre alimentação escolar com países de língua portuguesa
Nos últimos anos, países de língua portuguesa avançaram em boas práticas na alimentação escolar, combatendo a desnutrição, a má nutrição e a pobreza.
Nos últimos anos, países de língua portuguesa avançaram em boas práticas na alimentação escolar, combatendo a desnutrição, a má nutrição e a pobreza.
Brazil has one of the largest national school feeding programmes in the world, serving cooked meals daily to around 40 million students across the country.
Gardens play a fundamental role in school feeding programmes, since they function as a strategic tool for food and nutrition education (FNE), contributing to the formation of healthy and sustainable eating habits for students and the entire school community.
Key messages:
Teenage pregnancy rates in Brazil are amongst the highest in Latin America.
Significant evidence associates teenage pregnancy with school dropout, lower educational outcomes, poor maternal and infant health, and higher poverty rates.
This toolkit has three parts. Part one provides a brief introduction to school meal programmes including how meals are provided and funded and the difference between universal and targeted eligibility for free or subsidised school meals.
In Mozambique, adolescent girls and women who are pregnant or parenting have long faced serious barriers and challenges to remain in school.
School feeding is essential for promoting education, health, peace and social cohesion. At a time when countries and their partners are evaluating strategies to reduce chronic malnutrition, malnutrition and poverty, the discussion of school feeding models becomes imperative.
This brief was developed to support the dissemination of key messages in Mind the Gap 3: Promoting Equity and Inclusion in and through Girls’ Education in Crisis.
This joint publication by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Food Programme (WFP) presents the state of school feeding programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) as of 2022.
O documento objetiva contribuir para explicitar as diretrizes e os fundamentos normativos internacionais e brasileiros para o desenvolvimento de planos educativos voltados para a promoção dos direitos humanos de crianças e adolescentes.