Health and Education Resource Centre
The manual on prevention of HIV infection for university teachers will be used for training future teachers.
This course is a self-access e-learning course primarily designed for people who are involved in educating young people in both formal and informal educational settings. This course aims to build a broad knowledge base on HIV and AIDS.
As the UN specialised agency for education, UNESCO supports lifelong learning that builds and maintains essential skills, competencies, knowledge, behaviours and attitudes.
The Advocacy Toolkit provides the basic information on HIV and AIDS, identifies the role of Education in HIV prevention and gives recommendations on preventive education including monitoring and evaluation of education programmes.
This Toolkit has been developed for staff of Ministries of education and education departments to increase their awareness on HIV and AIDS and reinforce their commitments in preventive education.
The manual has been designed for teachers from Teacher Training College. The Manual consists of eleven Modules. It contains information on HIV and AIDS, reproductive health, preventive education as well as exercises for life skills development and attitude formation for healthy lifestyle.
This kit includes the information on issues surrounding the relationship between HIV/AIDS and Education as well as human rights, stigma and discrimination.
This publication documents the experience of more than 100 community-based organisations in Southern Africa, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe-in planning a prevention response to substance abuse among the youth of their communities.