Turbulence or orderly change? Teacher supply and demand in the age of AIDS
A survey of the teacher labour market in South African.
A survey of the teacher labour market in South African.
This article will describe the evolution of school-based HIV prevention programmes and their theoretical frameworks, as well as present barriers to their implementation. Examples of several best practices will highlight the key role of the education sector in mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS.
This document examines the GIPA pilot initiatives in selected African countries, which includes the United Nations Volunteer Programmes (UNV) pilot project to support people living with HIV/AIDS.
This document describes the University of Cape Town Policy on HIV infection and AIDS. It includes issues of confidentiality, employment contracts, AIDS education, staff and student interactions, benefits, leadership, and resources.
This study explores the path from policy to practice of sexual health education in Zimbabwe, in order to identify the barries to programme implementation and key elements of success.
This article examines briefly possible elements for a course of action on the issue of managing the impact of HIV/AIDS on Education.
This report provides the statistics and effects of HIV/AIDS on education in Eastern and Southern Africa. It provides various management policies and strategies for mitigation of this impact on education.
Vingt ans à peine se sont écoulés depuis l'apparition du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH). Pendant ces 20 années, le VIH/sida s'est propagé à une vitesse effrayante.
This case study focuses on Zambia's Lusaka and Southern Provinces and the views of teachers and pupils of that region with regards to the teaching of HIV/AIDS in basic education.
This paper confines its analysis primarily to issues of process, structure and content. Information was collected from government and agency documents and from respondents at national, provincial, district and schools level. The paper explores national structures and plans.