Education in a post-COVID world: towards a RAPID transformation
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, resulting in disruptions to education at an unprecedented scale.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, resulting in disruptions to education at an unprecedented scale.
COVID-19 has resulted in Ministries of Education across the world, including Namibia, having to Re-think, Re-imagine, Re-innovate and Re-design the provisions of education in a way that best meets the needs of all learners and teachers.
Les acteurs éducatifs du Sous-Secteur de l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Technique prennent l’engagement d’appliquer scrupuleusement les dispositions ci-après pour lutter efficacement contre la propagation de la maladie à Coronavirus, COVID-19 en milieux scolaires dès la réouverture des cl
La Mauritanie a pris un ensemble de dispositions afin de prévenir la propagation du coronavirus au sein de la population : la fermeture des frontières et des lignes aériennes, le couvre-feu, le confinement des populations, l’arrêt des cours et la fermeture de tous les établissements scolaires ont
This plan has been developed to establish operational procedures for preparedness and response to COVID-19 based on risks identified by the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and other emerging context-based criteria.
The COVID-19 Education Response Plan is the government of Liberia national emergency response and recovery plan based on analysis, consultation and inclusive participation of stakeholders within the sector including development partners, civil society, implementing INGOs and NGOs as well as priva
These guidelines provide clear and actionable guidance on measures for physical re-opening safe operations through prevention, early detection, and control of COVID-19 in educational institutions.
This Response Plan targets learners and teachers in basic education institutions with a focus to most vulnerable and poor learners in the Kenyan school system including learners with special needs and disabilities.
The main aim of these guidelines is to provide teachers and school administrations but also learners and parents with general information about COVID-19.
According to WHO 2012 estimates, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) was responsible for 842 000 annual deaths from diarrhoea and 15% of the Global Burden of Disease in Disability- Adjusted Life Years (DALYs).