Beacon of Hope: Evaluation of the Kenya Girl Guides Association HIV/AIDS Program for School Children
HIV infection rates among young Kenyan women outnumber those of young men by nearly six to one.
HIV infection rates among young Kenyan women outnumber those of young men by nearly six to one.
The three-day Workshop was a follow-up of the international workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya in April 2006. It brought together sixty three Deans of Faculties of Science and Engineering and Coordinators of AIDS Control Units (ACU) from eleven Kenyan public and Private universities.
In Cameroon, a girl's Auntie used to be her most trusted confidante, teacher and counsellor on sexual matters. In 2001, GTZ launched the Aunties Programme which borrows from this tradition.
The Young Empowered and Healthy (Y.E.A.H) Initiative is a multi-channel communication campaign by and for young people that combines mass media, person-to-person dialogue, and community media.
Relationships with FBOs are essential to community-based health work, but can be difficult to forge. Some religious traditions reject the use of contraception. Others may accept family planning within marriage, but do not feel condoms should be distributed to young unmarried people.
Lessons learned from Care's Basic Education and HIV/AIDS Support Project (BEHASP) in Malawi.
This study which represents the first activity of an initiative under the small grants from UNESCO-UNEVOC has provided a platform for Botswana and Zambia to share experiences in mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into the TVET sector.
The specific purposes of this ODI-Merck study were: To compare the Kenyan experience of working within existing government systems to achieve behaviour change in the area of HIV/AIDS with that of other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa; To gather information from key stakeholders in Kenya on the fo
This report compares, analyses, and summarises findings on institutional responses to HIV/AIDS from public institutions of higher education in the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
In 2005 EI sent a survey to all unions involved in the then 'HIV and AIDS Prevention through Schools Programme' to gather information on the positioning of HIV and AIDS within pre and in-service training.