Rapid appraisal students partnership worldwide/Zambia
Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW) Zambia recently began the third year of its School HIV/AIDS Education Program (SHEP) in conjunction with Zambia's Ministry of Education (MOE).
Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW) Zambia recently began the third year of its School HIV/AIDS Education Program (SHEP) in conjunction with Zambia's Ministry of Education (MOE).
In Ethiopia Save the Children Sweden (SCS) works to promote children's rights through advocacy, direct support, capacity building, research and awareness raising. In line with this, it has been supporting six local partner organisations whose implementation area is in Addis Ababa.
The CHANGES2 program is funded by USAID/ZAMBIA through an EQUIP1 Associate award. It is implemented by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the Zambia Ministry of Education.
From 2002-2005 Africare implemented the Community Based Care, Protection and Empowerment (COPE) for Children Affected by AIDS (CABA) project in Mutasa District of Zimbabwe.
Cette étude sur l'intégration du genre dans les programmes de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA est une étude évaluative menée auprès des institutions oeuvrant dans le secteur de la lutte contre le SIDA au Rwanda.
In order to better meet the needs of teachers' representatives worldwide, EI and its partners decided to merge two key training programmes dealing with Education For All and HIV and AIDS prevention in schools. The two issues are inextricably linked.
The primary aim of this pilot research was to develop an instrument to evaluate the impact of the Life Orientation Programme (LOP) on sex, sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Gauteng schools at secondary level and if possible at primary level.
South African higher education celebrated a decade of democracy in 2004. As the country's institutions and its citizens celebrate this freedom, it is time to reflect on the enormous challenges which confront South African society and the role which higher education is expected to play.
The ZAWECA HIV/AIDS Peer Education Project was a two-year collaborative project between the University of the Western Cape and the University of Zambia funded by the South Africa Norway Tertiary Education Development Programme.
This report summarizes the findings of a baseline survey of HIV/AIDS and reproductive health (RH) knowledge, attitudes and behavior among youth in a sample of schools participating in the SHAPE 2 Project peer education program directed by World Education, Ghana, in collaboration with the Ghana Ed