Young People and HIV/AIDS
The Horizons Program is dedicated to global operations research on HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and support.
The Horizons Program is dedicated to global operations research on HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and support.
This article will describe the evolution of school-based HIV prevention programmes and their theoretical frameworks, as well as present barriers to their implementation. Examples of several best practices will highlight the key role of the education sector in mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS.
This tool has been prepared by FOCUS on Young Adults primarily for those who design and deliver programs and who formulate policies concerned with the well-being of young people in the developing world.
Con una aproximación etnográfica, este estudio buscó indagar las transformaciones en las prácticas y representaciones de la sexualidad en el cortejo que están ocurriendo entre las y los jóvenes de una comunidad agrícola dedicada a la producción de la caña de azúcar.
Plan decenal de educación de Colombia para el período 1996 - 2005. Situación de la educación en Colombia. Propósitos generales del Plan. Objetivos y metas: 1. Generar una movilización nacional de opinión por la educación. 2.
Objetivos principales de esta investigación han sido: descubrir y establecer parámetros sobre la gestión del riesgo de contagio de VIH-SIDA en estudiantes de la Universidad Católica del Norte, descubrir antecedentes que permitieran conocer la percepción del riesgo de contagio del VIH-SIDA ysistem
Actividades e indicaciones para docentes, para que ayuden los adolescentes en tomar decisiones responsables e informadas respecto de su vida sexual. Objetivos Fundamentales y Contenidos Mínimos Obligatorios de la Educación Media. Decreto 220/98. Ministerio de Educación.
Educators, service providers, and health professionals worldwide are advocating that young people receive comprehensive sexuality education to help them become sexually healthy adults and to help them practice safer sexual behaviors, delay the onset of sexual intercourse, and reduce unplanned pre
Context: An entertainment-education radio soap opera, Apwe Plezi, was broadcast from February 1996 to September 1998 in St. Lucia. The program promoted family planning, HIV prevention and other social development themes.
Treatment for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has enabled more children and youths to attend school and participate in school activities. Children and youths with HIV infection should receive the same education as those with other chronic illnesses.