Safe sex efficacy workshop
The kit was designed as a three-hour workshop to increase college students' self-efficacy, or belief in their own ability to act successfully to prevent HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
The kit was designed as a three-hour workshop to increase college students' self-efficacy, or belief in their own ability to act successfully to prevent HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Estudio sobre comportamiento sexual de jóvenes y adolescentes del cantón de Golfito, Costa Rica. A fin de redefinir el Programa de Atención Integral a la Adolescencia (PAIA) llevado a cabo por el gobierno costarricense. Definición del proyecto de salud sexual y reproductiva para adolescentes.
This report presents the perceptions, attitudes and experiences of higher risk teenagers toward HIV testing in intimate and often poignant detail.
Dans le souci d'améliorer la qualité des prestations en santé de la reproduction correspondant aux besoins prioritaires des populations, le Programme National de Santé de la Reproduction a élaboré des documents de politique, normes de services par niveau (unité de santé de base, poste de san
This document reproduces sample lessons on health and family life education from Ministries of Education in the Caribbean.
Overlooked and Uninformed: Young Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is a short informational brief focusing on young adolescents across the world and their needs to know about their bodies and their sexual rights and responsibilities.